Participant Stories

 A Grateful client:

A woman called in to talk to one of our case managers.  She was in extreme pain. She was not getting the support she needed from the medical community.   Together with the case manager she was able to seek medical care for support.  She continued to have pain.  The Case Manager supported the spouse and encouraged them to seek Hospice Care and check eligibility.  Now she is getting the peace she deserves.  She is no longer suffering from her physical ailments. 

Here to help:

A woman in the community thought:  “I should just call Natalie, she will know what to do.”  She called and told Natalie the situation.  She needed advice on how to help her parents.  Natalie gave her questions to ask and what to look for.  She thanked Natalie over and over for giving her hope and direction in a very stressful situation.  7/1/24


An Home Delivered Meals recipient said “I am so grateful and thankful for your services.  I don’t know what I would do without the rides and the meals.  You have no idea how much your center helps me. Thank you so much.”


During a meal delivery, the driver heard the recipient yelling for help inside her home.  He entered and found her on the floor. She had fallen the night before and had been laying there for hours with a broken hip.  He called an ambulance. She credits him for saving her life.  


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