Hobbies & Crafts
There are many options to use your creativity and ingenuity at the Center. All groups welcome new people, experienced or novice. You are welcome to drop in for any groups as often as you would enjoy. Some classes may have a fee to cover supplies or an instructor. We also welcome new ideas for hobbies and crafts here at the Center. Check the activity calendar in “The Scoop” newsletter for dates and times craft groups.
Stitch Wits is a group that has been meeting at the Center for years. This group enjoys good conversation and pleasant music as they sit by the fire knitting, crocheting, weaving and any other handiwork using thread or yarn. The Stitch Wits welcome you to drop in anytime and visit, bring your masterpiece in the making and enjoy an afternoon together. Wednesdays at 12:30 in the fireplace room.
Crafty Cards is a special hobby that truly benefits the Center. We provide all the supplies needed to recreate new beautiful cards from used cards. It is a great up-cycling project. The cards are then available in our Thrift and Gift Nook along with other treasures. Crafty Cards meets bi-monthly.
The RSVP Sewing Group meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at the Center. The purpose of RSVP’s Sewing Group is two-fold: to provide handmade items to those people in need in Dane County and to provide a meaningful, purposeful, and creative outlet for volunteers over age 55. All interested individuals are welcome to join this group at any time and work on projects they are interested in. Patterns and materials are provided for you. Typical items made by a sewing group include lap quilts, larger quilts, and small tote bags for children, larger totes for adults, and walker/wheelchair bags using recycled and donated materials. Throughout the year, RSVP receives many special requests for specific items and the group may choose to fill these requests.