
DeForest Area Joint Community Center Commission

The Cornerstone Community Center is owned by the DeForest Half Century Club, Inc. and is operated by the DeForest Area Joint Community Center Commission. The DeForest Area Joint Community Center Commission is an inter-municipal organization responsible for operating the Cornerstone Community Center. The Commission is responsible for selecting officers and the Executive Director, approving policies and budgets, and providing oversight of Center operations.

The DeForest Area Joint Community Center Commission meets the second Tuesday of the month at 4:00 pm at the Cornerstone Community Center located at 505 North Main Street. For information visit our website at or contact the Center at (608) 846-9469.

Commissioners/Board Members of the Cornerstone Community Center and Half Century Club, Inc.

Adam Hanek
Randy Hanson
Anna Lezotte
Denise Powell
Steve Ruegsegger - Vienna Trustee
Monica Smith - Windsor Trustee
Jan Steffenhagen-Hahn - DeForest Trustee
Louise Valdovinos
Jacob Vehring
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