The entire team at the Community and Senior Center extends a warm welcome to you!
We shall serve as a common hearth around which individuals come together for common purposes within a culture of caring to improve the quality of life for area residents.
We are a cooperative inter-municipal Community and Senior Center providing area residents a welcoming place to meet, participate and volunteer while promoting independence, self-reliance and well-being for older adults and their families.
The Cornerstone Community Center has strong roots that run deep into the community. In the early 1970’s the Half Century Club was formed by a small group of senior citizens having monthly meetings and potluck luncheons. In the early 1980’s community leaders foresaw the need for a community and senior center where community members could gather and connect to one another through service and recreation. This grass roots effort, with a generous contribution of land and a building shell from a local business person, Fred Chase, spurred the community to build and open its own center in 1984 with gifts of money, materials and labor. In the 1990’s DeForest, Windsor and Vienna formed a cooperative intermunicipal agreement to support and manage the daily operations of the Center.
We are grateful for your trust and are excited to help you in any way we can.
All our best,
The Center Staff