Case Management
The DeForest Area Community and Senior Center has confidential Case Management Services for residents age 60 and older. Our goal is promote and maintain the independence of all seniors in DeForest, Windsor and Vienna communities by enhancing their social, emotional and physical well-being.
If you, or someone you know, needs help with aging concerns, our case managers will help you find information and work toward a positive outcome.
The role of the Case Manager is to:
- Advocate for an individual’s rights. We will communicate on their behalf to make certain that they are treated fairly and have their questions answered.
- Assess for needs, strengths and barriers. We review areas of nutrition, mental and physical health, safety, communication, activities related to daily living, economic resources, socialization, support systems, housing and abuse.
- Link & refer to other service agencies and organizations based upon needs. We are knowledgeable about community resources and can assist in applying for certain services and benefits.
- Coordination of local services based upon the person’s circumstances, including transportation, personal care, chore help, nutritious meals, adaptive equipment and socialization opportunities.
- Educate individuals, families and caregivers to help them make informed choices about aging issues. We provide information and assistance regarding legal topics, benefits, housing, health, consumer trends, employment, financial matters and legislative topics.
- Develop and monitor a plan, to ensure that services arranged are adequate, effective and meeting your goals for independence and quality of life.
Flyer: Case management